jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My ideal job

In ten years from now, I imagine myself working in the south of Chile with cows, horses or pigs. One of my ideal jobs may sounds funny, but I really like the area of Animal Reproduction or Animal Ginecology. I think that this area is not very developed or explored by veterinarians.
It is a very beauty process to help a mare or a cow to bring its brood to the world
and the artificial insemination, in the case of horses, is an act that requires concentration, responsability and professionalism by the veterinarian.
I would like to specialize in major medicine, because I want to help people who doesn´t have much money to pay for a veterinary practice and to help my grandparents and their neighbors with their animals.
Another of my dream jobs is to work in Public Health or Epidemiology, but I have a little bit problem with this areas, because you need to know a lot about biostatistics and I´m not very good at this subject, in fact I failed. Maybe this is not an impediment, but if I finally work in any of this areas, I swear that I will give my best to be a good professional.
I would like to work on this, because I think it is a challenge to eradicate zoonotic diseases and is very important to ensure the food safety for people. Well and I can not deny that the earnings working in this areas are very good too.

It is difficult to me at this moment to think about what I want to do in the future, but is better to have an approach, than graduating having no idea of what I´m gonna do.

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

My favourite subject

My favourite subject is Animal Behavior, is a scientific study of everything animals do. It involves
investigating the relationship of animals to their physical environment as well as to other
organisms, and includes such topics as how animals find and defend resources, avoid predators,
choose mates and reproduce, and care for their young.
I like this subject because is interesting to understand the causes and functions of behavior. This Discipline combines many areas of science like: ecology, zoology, biology, etc.
I think that this subject is very useful for Vets, for example in a veterinary practice. Because you can predict the reaction of animal for example if is getting angry, by looking the ears position or the body language.
Pitifully whe only have two hours of classes and we have no laboratory or field trips. Sometimes the classes are a bit boring, but the teacher is very comprehensive and he knows a lot, and you can tell he likes what he does.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

A person to admire

Cesar Millan is a dog behavior specialist.
He was born in Culiacán Sinaloa, Mexico. The most part of his childhood was in Ixpalino, where his grandfather has a farm. Cesar was fascinated with animals since he was younger, he always had a primal communion with nature, and the people of Ixpalino noted that, because he was always surrounded by a lot of dogs.The local people called him ¨El Perrero¨ (Spanish for ¨The Dogman¨)
To develop his gift, he went to USA to pursue his dream: became the best trainer of dogs in the world, but he wanted much more than teaching dogs basic commands. He studied dog psychology, but was through the experience that Cesar designed his own formulas to kept dogs balanced.
Cesar became famous when his program ¨The Dog Whisperer¨ was premiered in 2004.

What he has done?

Cesar created the MILLAN FOUNDATION. Millan foundation is a non- profit organization, their mission is to create and deliver community humane education programs and promote animal welfare by supporting the rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of abused and abandoned dogs.
Besides he helped a lot of dog owners, to heal different problems like: anxiety, overexcitement, agression, phobias and fears, obsession, etc.

I admire Cesar Millan´s work, I think that he has a gift, that he is really connected with dog´s mind and I like his philosophy to not humanize dogs ¨Dogs are dogs¨and obviously I admire the commitment to his work.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Why Veterinary Medicine?

Since I was five it was my dream. Because I love animals, and I think that this career is holistic you can do a lot of things, not only clinical work, also you can work in investigation in many areas like: epidemiology, microbiology, developmental biology, etc.
And is a career that is conected with social work, several universities make summer volunteering, there you learn a lot and is a very enriching experience, you can bring help to the people that doesn`t have much money to pay for a veterinary practice.
I love to study Veterinary Medicine, is beauty, sometimes is difficult, but you help and learn about the most lovely and pure creatures in this world: the animals.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Chill out!!

Hi! My name is Stephani Torres. I´m from Santiago and I´m a student of Veterinary Medicine.
I`m a very active person, I like to do sports specially running, I also play football and I dance Rapa Nui and I teach it too.
Welcome to everyone and I hope you like my blog.